Amazing A27

I Saw That My Husband Was Receiving Monthly Payments from My Dad – When I Found Out Why, I Demanded for Him to Double the Rate

When I find out my husband was receiving monthly payments from my dad, I knew something was wrong. Little did I know, uncovering the truth would force me to confront the depths of manipulation and betrayal. What I discovered changed everything, leading to an ultimatum no one saw coming.

I was organizing my husband Matthew’s birthday party, arranging the balloons and setting the cake on the table. The doorbell rang, and I called out to Matthew, “Can you get that? I’m a bit tied up here!”

Walter hands Matthew an envelope at the birthday party | Source: Midjourney

Walter hands Matthew an envelope at the birthday party | Source: Midjourney

Matthew nodded and walked to the door, opening it to reveal my father, Walter, standing there with his usual stiff demeanor. I watched from the kitchen, curiosity piqued, as Walter handed Matthew an envelope. Matthew accepted it, looking a bit surprised.

“Happy birthday, Matthew,” Walter said, his voice flat and formal.

“Thanks, Walter,” Matthew replied, taking the envelope and glancing at me. I caught the exchange from the corner of my eye, suspicion creeping in. Walter had never been generous. Hell, he never even bought me birthday gifts as a kid!

As the party went on, my mind kept drifting back to the envelope. What could be in it? Walter had handed it over like it was nothing.

Hannah watches Matthew slip the envelope into his jacket pocket | Source: Pexels

Hannah watches Matthew slip the envelope into his jacket pocket | Source: Pexels

I glimpsed Matthew slipping the envelope into his jacket pocket, his face unreadable. My curiosity turned into a gnawing worry.

When everyone had left and the house was quiet, I snooped around. In a drawer of Matthew’s desk, I found the envelope. Inside was $3,000 in cash. My heart skipped a beat. Why would my father give Matthew this much money? It didn’t make sense.

The next morning, I confronted Matthew.

“Why did my father give you $3,000?”

Hannah confronts Matthew about the money | Source: Pexels

Hannah confronts Matthew about the money | Source: Pexels

“It’s just a birthday gift, Hannah. Don’t make a big deal out of it,” he replied glibly.

I felt a surge of anger. “Three grand isn’t just a gift. Why would he give you that much money?”

Matthew’s nervous smile widened. “Maybe because men handle money better than women. He knows I’ll spend it well.”

Hannah scrutinizes Ben's email | Source: Pexels

Hannah scrutinizes Ben’s email | Source: Pexels

I clenched my fists, biting back a retort. I waited until he was asleep, his soft snores filling the room, and then I crept out of bed. I grabbed his laptop and checked his email history. Nothing. No suspicious emails, no traces of transactions.

Frustrated, I decided to call my father. The phone rang twice before he picked up.

“Dad, why did you give Matthew $3,000?”

“Don’t be silly, Hannah. It was just a birthday card and fifty dollars.”

I gripped the phone tightly. “I saw the money, Dad. Why are you lying?”

Walter sighed heavily. “Hannah, it’s late. Go to sleep.”

Hannah makes a late-night call to her father for answers | Source: Pexels

Hannah makes a late-night call to her father for answers | Source: Pexels

The line went dead. I stood there, seething. Something was wrong, and I was determined to find out what.

The next day, I hired a private investigator. It felt extreme, but I needed to know the truth. Days passed in agonizing silence until finally, the investigator called.

“Hannah, I’ve found something. Your father has been paying Matthew since the beginning of your relationship.”

I sat down, my mind reeling. “Are you sure?”

Hannah hires a private investigator to look into the cash transactions | Source: Pexels

Hannah hires a private investigator to look into the cash transactions | Source: Pexels

“Positive. I have all the proof you need,” the PI continued. “I managed to obtain surveillance footage from the bank, showing your father handing over envelopes to Matthew outside the building on several occasions. Additionally, I found emails in your father’s account arranging these meetings, which corroborated the bank footage and transaction records of large cash withdrawals.”

I hung up, my world spinning. Had Matthew been paid to love me? Had my father, the emotionally distant man who never cared, orchestrated my relationship? I felt angry and betrayed, by both of them — the two men who were supposed to care for me the most.

The investigator reveals the truth about Walter’s payments to Matthew | Source: Midjourney

The investigator reveals the truth about Walter’s payments to Matthew | Source: Midjourney

That night, I confronted Matthew about the payments and he just sat in tense silence. He finally spoke, breaking the heavy atmosphere.

“Hannah, I won’t take the money anymore. It know it’s wrong.”

I looked at him, my anger boiling over. “Why did you take it in the first place, Matthew? What did he offer you?”

He hesitated, then sighed deeply. “Your dad approached me when we first started dating. He offered me money to keep seeing you. At first, I didn’t think much of it. I figured it was just a way for him to ensure you were happy. But it continued, even after we got married. He said I must never leave you in return for the money”

Hannah confronts Matthew about the betrayal | Source: Midjourney

Hannah confronts Matthew about the betrayal | Source: Midjourney

I felt like I had been punched in the gut. “So, our entire relationship was just a transaction to you?”

“No, Hannah, it wasn’t like that,” he said, reaching for my hand. “At first, yes, it was about the money. But I fell in love with you. That’s real.”

I pulled my hand away, tears stinging my eyes. “How can I believe anything you say now?”

Matthew’s face crumpled. “I understand why you’re hurt. I hate myself for it. But I swear, my feelings for you are genuine. I want to stop taking the money, to prove it to you.”

Hannah distraught at hearing her husband was paid to date her | Source: Midjourney

Hannah distraught at hearing her husband was paid to date her | Source: Midjourney

“No,” I said firmly. “You’re going to keep taking the payments. And you’re going to double the rate. If my father wants to control my life, he can pay a premium for it.”

Matthew stared at me, shocked. “You’re serious?”

“Dead serious,” I replied. “I want him to feel the consequences of his actions. And you will be the one to negotiate it.”

Reluctantly, Matthew contacted Walter. The conversation was tense, filled with heated words and accusations. Walter was furious but agreed, realizing he had lost control over the situation. Our relationship with him was now irreparably strained.


Hannah and Matthew start couples therapy | Source: Pexels

Hannah and Matthew start couples therapy | Source: Pexels

As the months passed, the tension in our marriage was palpable. We decided to attend couples therapy, hoping to rebuild the trust that had been shattered. Our therapist, Dr. Evans, was patient and understanding, guiding us through the murky waters of our emotions.

“Matthew, how do you feel about the payments now?” Dr. Evans asked during one session.

“I hate them,” he admitted. “But I understand why Hannah wants to continue. It’s a way to reclaim control.”

I nodded, appreciating his honesty. “I need to know that our relationship is real, that it’s not just about the money. But at the same time, I want my father to understand the pain he’s caused.”

Matthew makes a heartfelt declaration in therapy | Source: Midjourney

Matthew makes a heartfelt declaration in therapy | Source: Midjourney

Matthew worked hard to prove his love. He surprised me with thoughtful gestures, took me on dates, and opened up about his feelings. Despite my anger, I could see the sincerity in his actions.

During a pivotal therapy session, Matthew made a heartfelt declaration. “Hannah, I love you more than anything. I know I’ve hurt you, and I’m sorry. But I want to spend the rest of my life making it up to you, proving that my love is real.”

His words moved me deeply. Tears filled my eyes as I began to see that, despite the deceit, our love had grown into something genuine and worth fighting for.

“I believe you, Matthew,” I said softly. “But it’s going to take time for me to trust you again.”

“I understand,” he replied, squeezing my hand. “I’m willing to do whatever it takes.

Matthew and Hannah holding hands, recommitting to their relationship | Source: Pexels

Matthew and Hannah holding hands, recommitting to their relationship | Source: Pexels

“Despite my anger towards Walter, I found myself seeking closure. I visited him one last time, hoping for some understanding, if not reconciliation. His mansion felt cold, reflecting the emotional distance that had always been between us.

“Why, Dad?” I asked, my voice trembling. “Why did you feel the need to control my life?”

Walter looked older, more worn. He sighed heavily, looking down at his hands. “I was afraid, Hannah. Afraid you’d make the same mistakes I did, leaving your mother being the biggest one of all. I wanted make sure you were protected, but I went about it the wrong way. I see that now.”

His admission didn’t absolve him of his actions, but it offered some clarity. I left his house feeling lighter, the anger beginning to dissipate. My father would have to live with the consequences of his choices, but I needed to move forward.

Walter admits to his part, bringing Hannah some clarity | Source: Midjourney

Walter admits to his part, bringing Hannah some clarity | Source: Midjourney

Eventually, I decided to forgive Matthew and give our marriage a second chance. I realized that holding onto my anger would only hurt me more. I cut ties with my father, determined to live my life on my own terms.

One evening, as we sat on the couch discussing our future, an idea struck me. “Matthew, what if we use the extra money for something good?”

He looked at me, intrigued. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, instead of just taking the money and keeping it, we could use it to help others. We could donate to charities, support local causes, or even start a scholarship fund.”

Matthew’s eyes lit up. “I love that idea! It would turn something negative into something positive.”

Matthew and Hannah discussing their future happily on the couch | Source: Midjourney

Matthew and Hannah discussing their future happily on the couch | Source: Midjourney

We began to brainstorm, making lists of organizations and causes that resonated with us. The more we planned, the more excited we became. It felt like a way to reclaim our power, to turn our pain into purpose.

Over the next few months, we set up a foundation. We carefully chose the recipients, ensuring the money went to those who needed it most. The joy and gratitude we received in return were overwhelming. It brought us closer together, united in our mission to make a difference.

Walter, left to reflect on his actions, realized too late the damage he had caused. Our relationship was beyond repair, but I found peace in knowing that I was no longer under his manipulative influence.

Matthew and I stood together, ready to rebuild our marriage. It wouldn’t be easy, but we were stronger for having faced the truth. We vowed to move forward, free from the shadows of the past, and create a future based on mutual respect and genuine love.

Hannah and Matthew standing together, ready to rebuild their marriage | Source: Midjourney

Hannah and Matthew standing together, ready to rebuild their marriage | Source: Midjourney

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